Connecting Oracle Analytics Cloud Version 5.1+ to the Autonomous Data Warehouse

October 2, 2018 | 7 minute read
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Last Validation: October 19, 2020 for OAC 5.8


This post details the steps required in OAC versions 5.1+ to upload Autonomous Data Warehouse (ADW) wallets and to create ADW data, replication and console connections.

The wallets are used for Metadata (RPD) connection pools, and Thin Client Modeler (TCM) models.

Data connections are used for DV data sets.

Replication connections are used for DV replications.

Console connections are used for TCM models and RPD models using the Externalize option.

For additional details on ADW, visit the Autonomous Data Warehouse page. For additional details on OAC, visit the Analytics Cloud page.

The instructions found in Connect to Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud are sufficient for experienced users. This post supplements the instructions with images of the screens used.


October 19, 2020 for OAC 5.8

February 12, 2020 for OAC 105.5

October 14, 2019 for OAC 105.4

August 1, 2019 for OAC Version 105.3

April 2, 2019 for OAC version 105.2

February 26, 2019 for OAC version 105.1.2-3 

February 4, 2019 for OAC version 19.1

September 18, 2018 using OAC 18.3.3-69


Uploading ADW Wallets to OAC

Creating an ADW Data Connection

Creating an ADW Replication Connection

Creating an ADW Console Connection

Uploading ADW Wallets to OAC

To enable secure communication between Oracle Analytics Cloud and the Autonomous Data Warehouse, your administrator must upload trusted SSL certificates contained in an ADW wallet to Oracle Analytics Cloud.


  • Obtaining the Client Credentials Zip File from the Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse Console
  • Unzipping the Client Credentials Wallet Zip File
  • Uploading the Extracted Wallet File

Obtaining the Client Credentials Zip File from the ADW Console

The ADW wallet file is one of the files provided in the Client Credentials zip file. Refer to Downloading Client Credentials (Wallet) for the steps.

Unzipping the Client Credentials Zip File

Use an unzip utility to unzip the Client Credentials Zip File e.g. to a directory e.g. wallet_DB201806211045.

Uploading the Unzipped Wallet File for a Console Connection

The wallet uploaded via the DV Console GUI is used by the TCM and by RPD Connection Pools.

Login into the DV home page and click the Action Menu

Click Console

Click Connections


Click the Options icon > Upload Wallet to upload a wallet for the first time or Replace Wallet to update an existing wallet

Click Proceed without a virus scanner when warned

Click Browse and select the wallet file (cwallet.sso) in the unzipped ADW directory e.g. wallet_DB201806211045

Click OK.

You can now upload a RPD that contains either a TNS Connect Descriptor from the tnsnames.ora file in the unzipped ADW directory or a Externalize connection reference to a DV Console Connection .

Refer to Creating an Oracle Analytics Cloud RPD Connection to the Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud for details on creating an ADW connection inside an RPD.

Creating an ADW Data Connection

This section details how to create data connections in 5.1+

A data connection is used to create DV data sets. With OAC versions 5.1+, an ADW wallet is uploaded for each ADW Data Connection. The wallet is extracted by OAC from the client credentials zip file you specify.

Click Home to return to the DV home page

Click Create

Click Connection

Click the Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse connection type

Complete the connection details and click Save.

The Client Credentials file is the zipped file download from ADW. The cwallet.sso file is extracted from the zip file by OAC and shown in the window.

Use the Username e.g. Admin and Password specified when the ADW instance was created or a different Schema's credentials.

Choose the Service Name from the drop-down list provided. The list comes from the tnsnames.ora file that is also in the zipped file download from ADW

Creating an ADW Replication Connection

A replication connection is used to create DV replications. They are very similar to Data Connections.

Click Home to return to the DV home page

Click Create

Click Replication Connection

Click the Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse connection type

Complete the connection details and click Save.

Refer to the sections Creating an ADW Connection in OAC 5.1+

You can now create DV replications from the connection.

Creating an ADW Console Connection

A console connection is used by the TCM to create models and by RPD connection pools that use the Externalize connection option.

Click Home to return to the DV home page

Click Console

Click Connections.


Click Create

Complete the connection details, click Test and then click OK.

Choose Host, Port, and Service Name for Connect using.

The Host, Port, and Service Name are found in the tnsnames.ora file in the unzipped ADW directory.

Use the Username e.g. Admin and Password specified when the ADW instance was created or a different Schema's credentials.

Check the Enable SSL box.

Click Test.

Click OK.

TCM models and RPD connection pools can now use the connection.


This post detailed the steps required in OAC version 5.1+ to upload Autonomous Data Warehouse (ADW) wallets and to create ADW data, replication and console ADW connections.

For other posts relating to analytics and data integration visit


Dayne Carley

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