Preparing an Exportable and Filterable Analysis in Oracle Analytics for Embedding into Custom Applications

November 11, 2020 | 3 minute read
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Validated November 13, 2020 with OAC 5.8


This post is an embedding scenario using <iframe> and an Oracle Analytics Cloud (OAC) Analysis that compliments using a Data Visualization project and the <div> method described here. It is used to meet a unique combination of requirements.

These are:

The ability to pass a parameter on the OAC URL to set a context and filter results before they are returned to the application.

The ability to export the result set once it is returned.

The following is a step-by-step guide to developing the URL passed to OAC. The URL uses the OAC Presentation Services Go URL format with the Navigate action for filtering and a Link option for exposing the Export button. The development of an iframe and a programmatic method to switch the context and populate the filtering parameter is not discussed. the documentation for this approach is here.


November 10, 2020 with OAC 5.8


Before You Begin

Obtaining the Initial URL

Modifying the URL to Meet Requirements

Validating the Result Set

 Before You Begin

This guide assumes the following is in place:

An OAC instance with access rules in place allowing ingress from the custom application.

A data source using a traditional or extended subject area. A traditional subject area (SA) is exposed via the OAC semantic model (RPD).  An extended subject area (XSA) is exposed via a DV dataset.

This guide uses the SH.CHANNELS table available with every shared ADW.

An Analysis in a shared folder built upon the data source with a filter defined on the column to be filtered e.g. 

CHANNEL_ID with the Operator “Is Prompted”

A user authorized to use the SA and XSA and view the requested data.

 Obtaining the Initial URL

Connect to OAC and navigate to the classic home page or change the URL in the browser address bar to end in /analytics e.g.

https://< your instance name >

Navigate to the Catalog.

Expand the Folder Tree to display the Analysis.

Click Open on the Analysis to display the unfiltered results. Copy the URL shown in the browser address bar to a text editor.

https://< instance name >


 Modifying the URL to Meet Your Requirements

Modify the URL to change and add parameters.

Note that the slash character is represented by %2F which is required by Firefox and Chrome browsers.

Changing the Query Type

Change the PortalGo parameter to Go. e.g.


Enabling Filtering

Change the value of the Action parameter to Navigate e.g.


Enabling Export

Add the Options parameter with a value of d (Export) e.g.


Adding the Filter

The filter is comprised of four parameters and is added after the path parameter.

P0  The number of columns to filter e.g. &P0=1

P1  The comparison operator e.g. eq for equals &P1=eq

P2  The table.column to be filtered e.g. CHANNELS.CHANNEL_ID &P2=CHANNELS.CHANNEL_ID 

Note: These fields are case sensitive and need to be enclosed in double quotes if they contain spaces. Do each field separately. e.g. "CHANNELS"."CHANNEL_ID"

P3  A value of the column to be filtered for validation purposes. The actual value is appended by the calling application. We desire only a single value &P3="3" 

Note: If the value is a numeral it must be enclosed in quotes.

Putting It All Together

The result is:

https://< instance name >

Copying and pasting the above lines into a Firefox or Chrome address bar results in a single line with special characters escaped resulting in:

https://< instance name >

 Validating the Result Set

Connect to OAC. In the address bar of the browser paste the URL above. The report returns only the requested data along with an Export button.


This post described the steps required to 

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Dayne Carley

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